Real Estate

Helping you shape our cities and communities.

We understand the value of well-structured advice and its impact on people, places, and the environment as well as your commercial success.

Real estate ownership, management and development affects businesses in every sector. Our team can support you across the real estate lifecycle, whatever your sector, through clear and commercially astute advice.

Working as your strategic partner, we’ll help you maximise the impact and commercial value for your business. Our expertise is broad and varied, covering contentious and non-contentious aspects of real estate, construction and build environment projects.

We’re sector experts in renewable energy, healthcare, education, local government, and social housing. We understand your challenges — often acting as a bridge between the private and public sectors in large-scale projects and bringing in support from our Public Law and Regulatory colleagues when the need arises.

Our clients are often leaders in their field and include, Land Securities, Shaw Health Care, Associated British Ports, Panasonic, Ascona Group, University of South Wales, Development Bank, HSBC, Bridgend College and LanzaTech — we thrive on the challenge of helping our clients achieve financial and commercial objectives.

Get to know us

Recent work

  • LanzaTech

    Advising US-based LanzaTech on plans to develop and commission the world’s first commercial-scale alcohol-to-jet production facility. Sustainable aviation fuel from this facility will be used by UK airlines, including long-term partner Virgin Atlantic.

  • Ascona Group

    Building its portfolio to 60 operational sites. This award-winning business has been ranked as the 12th fastest growing retailer, by the Growth Index 100 in 2023.

  • Menter Môn

    Advising Anglesey based social enterprise, Menter Môn, on the development of Wales’ first hydrogen hub.

  • Panasonic

    Supporting Panasonic on all contractual matters connected to development of its hydrogen facility in Wales.

  • Bridgend College

    Advising on its £30 million STEAM Academy Development and more recently on its town centre regeneration project that will be underpinned by a state-of-the-art campus facility.

  • Howard Tenens

    Supporting on all matters across its 14 estates. Most recently, on the Tesco Distribution centre hailed as the property deal of the year by Insider Property Awards South West 2023 and the largest industrial deal to close in Wales that year.

Real Estate at Capital Law is not buying and selling houses

We help shape our cities and communities, whether that’s through occupier work, property finance or major build environment projects.


  • Gabriella has supported our Assets team with numerous legal queries. The level of service she provides is to a very high standard and ensures we are regularly kept in the loop.

    James Jenkins | Assets and Commercial Officer
    Valleys to Coast
  • I really can’t fault Hannah and the team at Capital Law. They scream professionalism and have been fantastic. They approached the work in a really human manner — working with them is always a nice interaction.

    Daniel Porter | Owner

  • Gabriella and Tirion have played a crucial role in assisting Valleys to Coast with numerous property acquisitions, which have been partially funded by grants from the Welsh Government. We appreciate all of your support and hard work!

    Johnathan Luxton | Development Officer
    Valleys to Coast

  • Capital Law’s expertise was invaluable in negotiating leases for more than 20 properties and facilitating our move to the new Veezu headquarters at Hodge House, Cardiff. Their professional and thorough approach ensured seamless property assignments, significantly benefiting our operations.

    Robert Richardson | Head of Mergers & Acquisitions

  • He has the rare gift of being both an excellent lawyer and a sound and innovative entrepreneur. He also has a genuine commitment to protection of the environment, sustainable business and the synergy between the two.

    Stephen Tromans | KC
    39 Essex Chambers

  • Lastly for now, a huge credit must go to Catrin for her approach in driving things through to conclusion, a modern touch and one I haven’t had previously from other consultants in the locale.

    Simon Chiffi | Director of Estates & Facilities
    University of South Wales