Tackling HR’s ‘Great Burnout’

In recent years, HR professionals have been faced with an onslaught of workplace changes including mental health and well-being issues, return to office plans, furlough, remote-working and more. When employee grievances and disciplinary matters are added into the mix, it is unsurprising to learn that HR teams are facing burnout. In a study carried out by Workvivo (assessing over 500 HR professionals across the US and UK), 98% reported burnout and chronic fatigue. In this article, we take a closer look at the data and detail how outsourcing workplace investigations can ease the pressure on HR professionals.

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What does the data show?

Workvivo’s study also highlighted that:

  • 97% of HR professionals say their work has caused them to feel emotionally fatigued; and
  • 73% say they do not have the tools and resources to do their job well.

As such, it’s no surprise that Executive Networks’ 2023 Future of Working and Learning Report finds that 41% of HR professionals are likely or very likely to consider leaving their current employer in the next year, which is much higher in comparison to business leaders (29%), knowledge workers (19%), and frontline workers (22%). Further data from LinkedIn confirms that HR had the highest turnover rate in the past 12 months (higher than sales, IT and engineering).

Why is this?

It is important to remember that HR professionals are often called upon when a situation has reached a crisis point. As such, there is a significant level of pressure and responsibility on HR teams to provide effective solutions at a moment’s notice. Following the aftermath of Brexit and the Covid-19 pandemic, employment legislation is constantly evolving. With stronger regulatory regimes, a greater emphasis on culture and governance, and an increase in the number of whistle-blowers, it is no wonder that HR professionals are working longer hours and facing stress-related health issues. With the confidential nature of HR issues often meaning that you are unable to discuss issues with fellow co-workers, it can be an isolating job. The prevalence of HR professionals suffering mental health issues is increasing, and it is important that you look after yourselves, before taking care of others.

How we can help

Our experienced team of employment investigators have in-depth knowledge of both employment law and nuanced people issues in the private, public and third sector. We conduct independent and impartial employment investigations to help ease the pressure o on HR teams, and reduce reputational, financial, and legal risk to organisations.

Investigations are highly emotional, time-consuming, and a strain on HR’s resource. By outsourcing workplace issues to an external investigator, we are able (as a neutral party, with complete independence) to review the issues at hand and come to an objective conclusion on findings and recommendations. This frees up your time as a HR professional to focus on the day-to-day and circumvents what can be a tiring and emotional process.

We cover a wide range of investigations, including:

  • Grievance
  • Disciplinary
  • Whistleblowing
  • Dignity at work
  • Management disputes
  • Complex Trustee/Board disputes
  • Reviews/inquiries
  • Regulatory
  • Equal Pay/job evaluation
  • Safeguarding/Child protection

If you need assistance with any of the above, or have issues affecting your workplace culture, our team can provide hands-on investigation support. Please call us for an initial chat on 0808 196 3151 or learn more here.