How Wales can influence the future of Brexit negotiations

As the Welsh government continues to seek assurances from Westminster about a potential role in post-Brexit trade negotiations, Tod Davies discusses how Welsh ministers can take the initiative to protect Wales' interests

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Since June 23, 2016 – the date of the infamous referendum – we have all been part, willing or unwilling, in the most riveting yet tiresome political soap opera of our time.

The meandering machinations of Westminster towards a Brexit (or not), which despite being more than three years old has not yet begun, seems to have led us to this point; another looming no-deal deadline, seemingly final this time, with Boris Johnson at the helm.

What this will mean for the UK and Europe will be the subject of heated debate for years to come, but within the UK, what impact might it have on its constituent nations which, with the exception of Northern Ireland, have been in the margins throughout the entire process?

Scotland, with its nationalist fervour manifesting in its opposition to Brexit and Boris, gets some attention sue to the ever-present threat of independence and the break-up of the UK, but a noticeable disinterest seems to apply to Wales, which has almost gone unnoticed – perhaps because Wales, like England, voted by a majority to leave the EU. There are therefore doubts that Wales will have a significant voice in future Brexit negotiations, or indeed negotiations with other countries post-Brexit. However, there are things the Welsh Government may do in order to hold some sway over future decisions made in Westminster.