Helping HR professionals and managers prepare for the real thing

Employment tribunal claims are on the rise – that’s why Capital is holding Mock Employment Tribunals to prepare managers for the real thing, writes Richard Thomas.

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There has been a sharp rise in employment tribunal claims in recent years. If you are an HR professional or line manager, it’s now likely that you will have to give evidence at a hearing at some point in your career.

The rise in Employment Tribunal claims goes back to July 2017, when the Supreme Court quashed fees for tribunal claims. Now that it’s free to bring a claim, far more people have done so: the number has risen by 26% year on year and looks set to continue rising.

Employment tribunal hearings can be daunting, and it’s vital to be prepared. That’s why we hold regular mock employment tribunal hearings in order to break the whole process down, give tips on how to get ready for one and outline how to conduct yourself during the tribunal.

We make our mock employment tribunals as close as possible to the real thing, but with one key difference: we repeatedly “pause” the action to explain what is going on and to allow you to ask questions. It strips away the mystique of being in court and equips you with an understanding of everything from how the questioning is conducted to the importance of documentary evidence.

Attendees tell us they enjoyed the opportunity to ask anything – and that they left feeling far more confident and prepared. To find out when our next mock tribunal takes place, <click here>.