Employment update: #YouToo?

After the recent, well-publicised reports of sexual harassment in Westminster and the USA, the Equalities and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) gathered evidence from individuals and employers on how employers deal with sexual harassment.

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Their findings have been published in their report: ‘Turning the tables: ending sexual harassment at work’ in which workers describe how their careers and health have been ‘damaged by corrosive cultures which silence individuals and normalise harassment’.

The report recommends:

  • a change in workplace culture, with employers having a mandatory duty to protect workers from harassment
  • greater transparency about incidents of harassment and the policies in place to prevent them
  • strengthening laws to increase protection for harassment victims.

The Government has responded to the report by condemning all forms of workplace harassment and promising to keep matters under review – it remains to be seen whether they will take any practical steps. In the meantime, employers should take steps such as providing diversity training; making it easy to report harassment; and protecting reporting individuals from victimisation.