Welsh Government launches new international strategy

Marlies Hoecherl, who heads up our international offering, comments on the Welsh Government's newly published international strategy ahead of the launch of our international desks on Thursday 23 January.

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As we prepare to leave the European Union, each of the UK’s constituent countries is seeking to redefine its role within the Kingdom and abroad. At such a pivotal moment for Wales, Capital Law welcomes the fact that the Welsh Government’s long-awaited new international strategy focuses on collaboration – not only with international partners, but also across industries and ministries.

Just over a year ago, the opening of several Welsh government offices around the world was a very positive step towards broadening Wales’ active network. As an international law firm, we’ve already seen the benefits of such connections, and we’re pleased to see that the government plans to develop them further.

We also welcome the government’s intention to focus on innovative markets and identify new business opportunities to promote Wales as a modern country known for creativity, technology and sustainability – although more sectors would deserve the same level of support.

To promote itself internationally, Wales will need its people to understand the target countries’ cultures and learn their languages. We see the value of such skills every day at Capital, when helping organisations from abroad doing business in the UK and vice versa, and we’re hopeful that the new curriculum will fulfill its promise. A lot of work needs to be done, the Welsh Government’s international strategy being the first step in the right direction.

Beyond Borders: Working Internationally 

To celebrate working internationally, the launch of the Welsh Government’s new strategy and that of our international desks, we’ll be hosting an informal event at our offices with short panel discussion with senior diplomats and international trade and investment specialists on Thursday 23 January.

It will give you the opportunity to ask any questions you may have about working beyond borders, and beyond Brexit, and to network with like-minded stakeholders and businesses that operate internationally.

To join us, please book your ticket here.