Understanding the UK’s social housing crisis

Our Senior Associate, Liz Gibbons, takes a look at the UK social housing crisis and considers what the country's new leader needs to be aware of.

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The Housing 2019 conference, held in June, served as an opportunity for then prime minister Theresa May to list the perceived “successes” in the social housing sector during her term. However it also highlighted the many deep-rooted issues which remain and which need to be urgently addressed by her successor. While more money has been pledged and more homes have been developed, the housing shortage remains.

Research conducted by Heriot-Watt University estimated that 340,000 homes – of which 145,000 should be affordable – must be built every year in England to meet demand. In response, a joint call from the National Federation of Housing, the Chartered Institute of Housing and Shelter for the government to invest £12.8bn a year into the sector to meet such demand, demonstrates both the scale of the crisis and the investment required. While the £2bn pledged to social housing by Theresa May over the course of seven years from 2022 was a start, this proposed investment falls short of the funds required.

To create sufficient levels of affordable, adequate, safe and secure homes, the new prime minister must commit to accelerating the programme, which is currently in its infancy. However, in a political climate dominated by uncertainty, the vision for steady growth in the housing market is immersed in doubt. With the prospect of a No Deal looking likely, the end of free movement of people between the European Union and the United Kingdom could limit the labour and workforce available to build the homes the county needs.

Turning to the private sector rental market, the abolition of capped rent deposits and letting fees in England was introduced with the intention of addressing the rising costs affecting private tenants. However, rents are being increased by landlords to off-set such losses so the government must go further to close such loopholes and ensure that the intention of the legislation is delivered.

The impending abolition of Section 21 “no fault” evictions, also presents similar concerns – how, and will, the new prime minister address these or will the chaos of a no-deal Brexit overtake?