The Future Generations Commissioner has launched her new website dedicated to the Future Generations Report 2020.
The well-being goals in the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act arguably have an even greater resonance than ever before:
- In the context of the global pandemic (and how we have responded – across the UK and in Wales specifically) – a healthier Wales, a Wales of cohesive communities
- The growing recognition of our state of Climate Emergency – a globally responsible Wales
- A focus on equalities and tackling prejudice – a more equal Wales
- And the resultant impact on our economic landscape and plans for recovery in response to all of these challenges – a prosperous Wales, a resilient Wales, a Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh Language
As the Commissioner notes (and helpfully cross-references the Wales Audit Office’s focus on the need for an adjustment in mindset), this is an expedition, not a journey.
In the words of Robert Falcon Scott “It is the work that matters, not the applause that follows”.