Business interruption insurance: free policy review

Despite the Financial Conduct Authority ordering insurers to pay out business interruption claims “as soon as possible” or explain themselves, some insurers are slow to pay. Worse still, some are not paying out even under clear policy wording.

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To check whether you ought to be covered, we can review your policy for free. If we think you have a claim, we’ll pursue your insurer. If you lose, you don’t pay anything. If you win, you pay us a pre-agreed fee.

We are helping many businesses to get their insurers to reverse their initial decision to reject cover.  We also aim to group businesses with similar policies together, so that we can bring and finance group actions at court, should it prove necessary to do so.

While the Association of British Insurers maintains that insurers are committed to accepting “valid claims and interim payments”, there are growing concerns that the insurance industry cannot afford to cover all the losses resulting from COVID-19.

There are precedents where Government have stepped in to help insurers meet their obligations to their insureds in such circumstances. Through our action group, we also aim to increase political pressure to find a sustainable solution to this crisis.

If you would like us to help you, please get in touch by filling in this short form.