Tech companies and startups discuss Government’s future immigration plans

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A meeting with tech companies and startups has been attended by Immigration minister Caroline Nokes (co-chaired by Minister for Digital and the Creative Industries, Margot James) to discuss the new immigration system which the Government intends to overhaul from 2021 to discuss how it can support the UK’s growing tech industry.

It is hoped by engaging with tech businesses, they will be able to help shape the new system to ensure the UK is able to attract and recruit the best needed to make the UK the top destination for tech talent.

This discussion, along with 90 other similar events planned across the country part of a year long engagement programme. This comes not long after the Government has overhauled the tier 1 investment visas replacing them with two new routes: Start-up and Innovator visa. Changes are also planned to the tier 2 work visa which we discussed in our blog, Update on business immigration for tech companies